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Enjoy Hong Kong Cuisine with Sparkling Frenchie

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  • By Ashley
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Enjoy Hong Kong Cuisine with Sparkling Frenchie

French GourMay in Hong Kong is a food lover's dream come true! It's a super exciting festival that showcases the very best of French cuisine, wine, and culture. But hey, you don’t have go full fine dining mode, if you’re more into the casual scene and just wanna enjoy a bottle of sparkling, here are 3 ways to enjoy a French bubble with everyday Hong Kong food items.

法國五月美食薈係美食愛好者嘅年度盛事,每年都為大家呈現出法國各式各樣嘅美酒佳餚同背後嘅文化歷史。不過,要仔細品嘗又唔一定只有法式高級精緻餐飲嘅選擇,今次我哋就為大家推介三款港式地道餐點同年度主題酒選 - 氣泡酒嘅配搭,一齊輕鬆享受吓!

3 ways to enjoy Hong Kong Cuisine with Sparkling Frenchie

3 款法式氣泡美酒 x 港式地道佳餚推介

Dim Sum and Bubbles

Dim sum and bubbles 點心 x 氣泡

Oh yes! If you're chowing down on some shrimp dumplings or pork buns, try pairing them with a Trenel Cremant de Bourgogne Brut,Blanc de Blancs Sparkling. Its light effervescence and bright acidity from green apple and white peach aromas will complement the richness of the dim sum, leaving your taste buds feel like they’ve made a new scientific discovery. 

無論你鍾意嘅係蝦餃定叉燒包,不妨試試配支 Trenel Cremant de Bourgogne Brut,Blanc de Blancs Sparkling。細緻嘅氣泡加上嚟自青蘋果、白桃嘅甜美果酸,同精緻又充滿層次嘅點心產生化學作用,為味蕾帶嚟全新體驗!


Barbecue and Bubbles

Barbecue and bubbles 燒烤 x 氣泡

Let's get wild! When you're grilling up some char siu pork or honey glazed chicken wings, reach for a bottle of rosé Champagne. The Ruinart Rose Champagne N.V, would be a great choice. The refreshing taste from the tropical fruits and small berries play nicely with the sweet and savory flavors of the barbecue sauce, and the elegant touch of mint, pink grapefruit and the delicatethe bubbles will cleanse your palate between bites. And let's be real, nothing says "I'm living my best life" like sipping on pink Champagne while you're standing over a hot grill.

係咪冇諗過冷艷高雅嘅粉紅香檳同熱情奔放嘅燒烤原來都可以夾到?揀支 Ruinart Rose Champagne N.V,配搭令人黯然銷魂嘅叉燒或者個個都鍾意嘅蜜糖燒雞翼,佢嘅熱帶水果同莓果嘅清新完美豐富咗酸甜燒烤醬嘅層次,當中薄荷、西柚同細緻嘅氣泡仲有助解膩,完美釋放Rosé 香檳野性嘅一面!


Egg tart and Bubbles

Egg tarts and bubbles 蛋撻 x 氣泡

Oh my! If you're indulging in some of Hong Kong's famous egg tarts, go for a bottle of Blanc de Blancs Champagne like Delamotte Blanc de Blancs, Brut, Champagne. Its full-bodied and the complexity from white flesh fruit and pastry will be a match made in heaven with the buttery, flaky crust and custardy filling of the egg tart. And hey, who says you can't have bubbles for dessert? You're a grown-up, you can do what you want.

如小美人一樣嘅港式靚撻最啱配番支 Delamotte Blanc de Blancs, Brut, Champagne,佢豐厚又富有白肉水果嘅香甜,完美襯托蛋撻嘅牛油香、鬆脆嘅酥皮同香軟細滑嘅蛋心!究竟氣泡酒應該係餐前酒、定配搭主食或者甜品?細路先做選擇,大人可以全部都要!


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