Collaboration Partners' Story - Cheese From Far #2
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How Morn and Ronald celebrate?
Sitting in Cheese From Far and looking at the tranquil alley, time seems too slow down. One can celebrate by getting away from the hustle and bustle here. “For the past three years, we were open everyday. But now we have recently decided to close on Tuesdays. We are so looking forward to it so we can go hiking! A day off is already a celebration for me!”
It’s always hard running a small business in Hong Kong, so Ronald is grateful for having his best teammate, Morn and all the outstanding members with him. “Our team really looks forward to our annual anniversary dinner. We usually visit one of the fine dining restaurants for a good treat, and it’s something everyone really appreciates!” Ronald even plans to strengthen his team spirit by joining a survival challenge together! With a good team behind him, Ronald looks to grow and expand the business.
Sai Kung is a place that is full of celebrations for different occasions. After having lived in Sai Kung over 8 years, it is no wonder that Ronald is living like a native. Apart from Christmas and Chinese new year, he even joins in the events of Buddha’s Birthday by gifting cheese to their customers. On any occasion and if you choose to celebrate with a good cheese platter, remember to ask Ronald for recommendations, and also grab a good wine for pairing!
互撐夥伴【Cheese From Far】專訪(二) - 慢慢慶祝
白色外牆小屋、可透視全店嘅大玻璃窗、門外嘅二人雅座加上座落偏寧靜嘅德隆後街,令置身喺Cheese From Far嘅時間好似流動得慢啲,有種遠離煩囂嘅感覺。而悠閒嘅背後,其實係Morn同Ronald三年嚟年中無休嘅成果,所以問到關於值得慶祝嘅事,Ronald覺得而家可以每個星期二休息一日,慢慢開始有番屬於自己嘅時間就已經好滿足,天氣好嘅時候就同太太一齊去行山、接近吓大自然,休息一吓。
而嚟咗香港咁多年,太太又係香港人,加上身處每逄節日慶祝氣氛都特別濃厚嘅西貢,Ronald都慢慢融入咗呢到嘅文化,除咗聖誕、農歷新年會佈置鋪頭之外,喺佛誕佢哋都會參與西貢嘅慶祝活動,試過請當日嚟買咖啡嘅顧客食小點心,一齊分享快樂,貫徹Cheese From Far形象。下次當你都有嘢想慶祝,不妨去買番幾款唔同口味嘅芝士,再配埋Ronald推介嘅wine,同親朋好友一齊分享
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