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Collaboration Partners' Story - Warm Bread #1

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Collaboration Partners' Story - Warm Bread #1

A 24/7 life in Sai Kung

Life in Sai Kung is usually portrayed as relaxed and chilled, but for Jolin and Tai from Warmbread, their life is hectic performing the tasks of a cafe manager, chef, barista and server all by themselves. As they persist in keeping the highest standards of service and products ever since the business started, it means only a few hours rest a day for them.


Warmbread continues to gain popularity with locals and tourists from word of mouth, so much so that the little cafe has become a ‘must-visit’ over the past year and a half. Jolin and Tai treasure the friendships they have built with regulars and new customers. Some customers even bring food over to share with the couple on their visit. Neighbours become regulars, and Tai sometimes shares food with neighbours and regulars for comment before putting it on the menu.


Sai Kung is the place where this couple and their customers first got to know each other. Good food is the key to forming friends and familiar relationships. One of their regulars joined them in their late night prep right after she ended her diet of 21 days. It’s a mark to Jolin and Tai’s passion, dedication to their craft, and deep appreciation by their customers.


Come and befriend the passionate couple by visiting their warm cafe for a chat and one of their famous bread rolls.


互撐夥伴【溫飽】專訪(一) - 兩小口24/7西貢生活


位於市場街中後段嘅溫飽咖啡店,由店主Jolin同阿泰主理,事事親力親為嘅兩小口,每日長時間工作,同佢哋當初眼中「幾舒服」嘅西貢好似有啲出入「我哋好多嘢都自己整,每日都做十幾個鐘,差唔多係兩份full time,因為成日都做到好夜,所以都真係搬咗入西貢」






緣份令Jolin、阿泰認識一眾客人,志趣相投就令彼此成為朋友,互相照顧、陪伴,仲有互相傷害「有個熟客on-diet,我哋經常引誘佢,直到佢節食完咗,夜晚十點幾佢問我哋係咪仲整緊嘢,我哋話『今日有排』,佢就當晚即刻搭車入嚟,邊嘆我哋用嚟整桔仔肉brownie嘅gin所調嘅gin tonic,邊食邊跟住我哋成個流程到凌晨,再一齊搭的士走」




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