Collaboration Partners' Story - Warm Bread #2
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How will Jolin and Tai celebrate?
Holidays and weekends usually means more prep and long hours for anyone in the F & B industry, and Jolin and Tai are no exception.
If you have visited Warmbread before, you will appreciate how hard Jolin and Tai work on their menu. From prepping dough to baking bread and making dessert, every little step counts. After a year and a half of intensive long hours in the industry, Jolin and Tai are now trying to achieve a better work life balance. The couple would try to relax by taking a day off monthly to visit their favourite restaurant in To Kwan Wan just to be with each other.
When we visited Jolin and Tai last Tuesday - the couple’s regular day off - there was a lot of laughter, joy and wonderful smells emitted but the cooking seafood broth during the interview. When we wrapped up the interview with a question on food pairing recommendation, their answer is craft beer to match with their handmade breads, as the process and ingredients are similar.
Homemade bread is their most popular item on the menu, but not the only thing that’s awesome. Do pay the couple a visit to try out their heartwarming menu.
互撐夥伴【溫飽】專訪(二) - 平凡卻最重要
訪問當日係個普通嘅星期二,亦係溫飽例休日子,Jolin同阿泰邊食晏邊熬製海鮮湯底邊回答問題,你一言我一語,默契十足,歡笑聲不斷,難得放假佢哋亦有計劃要出城玩,所以我哋都快快手問埋佢哋嘅food pairing推介「手工啤,都係酵母、小麥,同麵包係同一樣嘢,不過佢係liquid,我都有試過用啤酒整麵包」
- 為咗保存呢份浪漫,先唔公開餐廳名喇,大家有興趣就自己問佢哋啦
- 雖然阿泰冇乜節日嘅儀式感,好少慶祝,生日都冇食蛋糕,不過會食月餅,咁大家知佢大概幾時生日啦,記得請佢食冰皮呀
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