Collaboration Partners' Story - Sai Kung Store #1
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Sai Kung Store for Sai Kungers
#weekendtrip , #hiking & #junkboat … These are the keywords that pop up when one talks about Sai Kung. But for Debby, ex-district councillor of Sai Kung, the focus should be on the local people. “How about Sai Kungers? Most of the focus is on the tourists. Most of the Sai Kung locals choose to stay home during weekends as they find the place is overwhelmed by day-trippers.”
As most of the Sai Kungers work away from the area during weekdays, and similarly are forced to seek relaxation outside of Sai Kung on their days off, Debby fears that Sai Kung locals might lose their sense of belonging. Debby has since converted her office area to a local store where she can serve local Sai Kungers with locally made goods and services. The store has been run by neighbours as well as herself for close to two years. The most remarkable memories are formed in such partnerships and relationships built with like-minded Sai Kung residents.
As a team run by a largely varied and voluntary pool of Sai Kung residents, it is not surprising that one might not realise another neighbour or friend is also serving the same cause by working in Debby’s Sai Kung Store. Nevertheless the store is always full of laughter and joyful vibes, held together by the goodwill and spirit of the volunteers.
Debby is thankful that regular customers of Sai Kung Store are kind and supportive. They patiently tolerate the inexperienced mistakes that may be caused by the volunteers, and will even help out with deliveries. Running a small business has its many challenges but the selflessness of volunteers and magnanimity of regulars can help Sai Kung Store continue on. Debby feels that love and generosity is the strongest foundation upon which her small business is being built upon.
Do support Debby and her store run by passionate people!
互撐夥伴【西多】專訪(一) - 西貢人尊屬生活小店
講起西貢,好多人第一時間諗到嘅就係「週末好去處」、行山出海集合地點⋯⋯但作為前西貢前區議員嘅Debby,比起遊客數量,更關心嘅係區內居民「咁西貢人自己呢?好似冇乜真係畀居民嘅嘢,星期六、日大家都會唔想出街,因為會覺得唔belongs to呢個地方」
就係咁有愛嘅西貢人撐住西多「就算日子唔易,so far都有信心繼續run落去,因為西貢仲係有好多充滿愛嘅朋友」
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