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The Bottle Shop Story #5

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  • By Ashley
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The Bottle Shop Story #5

It’s all in the name


Ten years on from when we opened our Sai Kung shop, it hasn’t escaped us that we’re not just a one-stop shop for craft beers, but literally all categories of alcoholic beverages. That’s why we’re called The Bottle Shop, and not something more discriminating. We’re proud to have carved a unique path amongst the industry, we want to be comprehensive in our selection, and not just singularly simplistic. Admittedly, we’ve been pretty brave and out there in what we put on our shelves, from granola, balsamic and olive oil, to Aussie and UK confectioneries, tea, Biltong, to breads, pies, and even, milk (just because we want to). We will continue to do what we like, relying on our intuition, and protecting our values.


The Bottle Shop故事時間 - 初心

喺西貢開業十年,我哋要成為The Bottle Shop嘅初心依然冇改變,除咗繼續引入高質手工啤品牌外,更致力成為方便大家嘅一站式酒類及飲品店。亦好興幸,我哋秉持嘅信念成功開創到屬於我哋嘅路,喺不斷完善上架產品類別嘅過程中,都得到唔同客戶群嘅支持。回想番過去十年,其實我哋都真係幾勇敢,貨架產品由麥片、陳醋、橄欖油;澳洲以至英國嘅糖、茶;風乾牛肉、麵包、批餅、甚至奶類產品都有,原因都只係單純地覺得當搵到優質貨品就要同大家分享,喺嚟緊嘅日子,我哋都會繼續做自己,相信自己嘅直覺同經驗,守護我哋相信嘅價值。



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