The Bottle Shop Story #4
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- By Ashley
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The Spirits Game
Unlike the craft beer movement, we were relatively late to the spirits game. It wasn’t until 2015 that we were presented with an opportunity to represent Gin Mare. I would say it was the product quality and flavour that led us to the scene, but the reality is that most likely, the reason is much more simple - Spanish guys are good looking, and charming as hell. Wearing their sunny disposition, white shirts, oozing charisma with a magnetic Spanish accent; Tracy was defenceless. Spurred on by her new found enthusiasm for Spanish guys spirits, we expanded our portfolio: Forest Gin, Tatsumi Gin, Tarquins Gin, Gin Raw, Nordes Gin, Ink Gin, Tilambic Rum, Green Island Rum, Los Javis Mezcal, Curado Tequila, Origen Raiz Mezcal, Flaming Pig Whisky, Forest Whisky. Along the way, we’ve been blessed with meeting so many bartenders and bar owners, and feel privileged that we can call them our friends. And of course, Tracy had a lot of help from talented individuals along the way, here she’d like to thank Isabella Vannoni, Arlene Wong, and Delphine Kong for being part of the journey in The Bottle Shop’s growth.
The Bottle Shop故事時間 - 新領域展開
初期一直專注手工啤嘅發展,所以我哋喺烈酒方面開始得比較遲,係去到2015年,我哋成功爭取成為Gin Mare嘅香港代理商,揀Gin Mare嘅原因應該唔係因為西班牙嘅魅力型男⋯⋯形象陽光、透透地嘅白恤衫又冇扣晒啲鈕,硬係輕輕露到少少胸毛;磁性嘅聲線加上西班牙口音,Trac...全部人都抵擋唔到對西班牙男,係抵擋唔到西班牙產品嘅質素同味道,一定係西班牙酒嘅魅力,應該係,除非唔係 之後我哋仲再引入更多元化嘅選擇:Forest Gin, Tatsumi Gin, Tarquins Gin, Gin Raw,Nordes Gin, Ink Gin, Tilambic Rum, Green Island Rum, Los Javis Mezcal, Curado Tequila, Origen Raiz Mezcal, Flaming Pig Whisky, Forest Whisky等,嚟緊將會有更多。喺推廣烈酒嘅工作上,我哋好興幸識到好多酒吧老闆、調酒師朋友;Tracy仲要特別鳴謝 Isabella Vannoni, Arlene Wong同Delphine Kong三位超強夥伴,一路以嚟得到大家嘅幫助,真係有你有我!
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