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Two Moons Five Flower Tea Gin 700ml


Evolved From Ancient Wisdom — Inheriting Hong Kong’s Charm
A classic representation of comfort, five flowers tea has long been a quick-fix remedy in Hong Kong to detoxify the body, cleanse heat and expel fatigue. Taking inspiration from this ancient concoction, this Five Flowers Tea Gin with a revamped formula co-created with speakeasy bar ROOM 309 reinterprets a traditional herbal drink in a whole new format, enabling us to evolve with modern times while honouring traditions that root us.

Tasting Notes: Herbal, earthy and soothing. On the nose, a floral bouquet of chrysanthemum (菊花) tempts you in for an inviting sip. On the palate, sweet notes of frangipani (雞蛋花) and self-heal (夏枯草) linger before transitioning into earthy, tangy notes of honeysuckle (金銀花) and silk cotton (木棉花).

傳統智慧,重新演繹 - 緻月蒸餾酒廠五花茶氈酒
五花茶是中國民間傳統涼茶中最為大眾熟悉的,因其具清熱解毒、消暑祛濕的功效,南方人視其為最佳保健良方。緻月與ROOM 309 團隊以此為靈感,將這種民間瑰寶重新演繹,打造成我們最新的氈酒 - 五花茶氈酒,寄望大眾會再次重視及欣賞這以全新面貌示人,屬於廣東人的「涼」藥。


ABV: 47%

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