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The Bitter Truth Jerry Thomas’ Own Decanter Bitters


The Bitter Truth Jerry Thomas’ Own Decanter Bitters is based on a recipe by Professor Jerry Thomas (1830-1885), who is considered the most important bartender of the 19th-century.

Although we are not sure if he would know what cider candies smell like since we don’t know if they existed in the 1860s. He might recognize, however, crystallized ginger and the oils of fresh tangerine and almonds seeping through. We`re sure he’d have known that it tastes of dried fruit with a finish of orange peel and a light sprinkling of Angostura bark. Of course, the original recipe was not slavishly reproduced, but its formula was improved to comply with today`s legal requirements and discerning taste demands.

This homage is as characterful as its namesake was, so join in, get experimental and doff your hat to the man who brought us the first-ever published cocktail book: Jerry Thomas, formerly the principal bartender at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Planters House, St. Louis.

ABV: 30%
Vol: 200ml

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