Former Name: 醸す森-kamosu mori
Just like a creamy fruits smoothie, produced by the small but fine hotel& dining in Niigata
This label is produced for Kamosumori by Naeba Shuzo. Kamosumori is the hotel&dining, which locates in the Matsunoyama area, where it is famous as the three best medicated hot spring, provides casual french using local ingredients.
The chef and brewmaster discuss carefully and create this label for pairing.
It’s produced with the method called “one-step fermentation”. Normally, Sake is produced with the three-step fermentation method. The one-step fermentation process stops the fermentation in the middle, so it contains more glucose, and it tends to include a lot of malic and succinic acid.
Basically, these kinds of Sake is provided as an aperitif, but this collaboration creates the brand-new Sake.
The texture is thick, and the flavor is cute and fruity, which is like a fruit smoothie. The balance between sweetness and sourness is exquisite. We recommend pairing with the dish using heavy cream.
「醸す森-kamosu mori-」是「酒の宿 玉城屋」在新潟県十日町市松之山經營的一間旅館兼酒吧。經營理念與苗場酒造蔵元不謀而合:「透過日本酒為各人帶來新的感覺和形象」。因此酒造蔵元便以「醸す森-kamosu mori-」作為新銘柄的名稱。
「醸す森-kamosu mori-」並不是由苗場酒造的杜氏釀造,整個釀造過程由26歲蔵人武田翔太 作為釀造負責人,並由前杜氏「新潟の名工」新保英博 親自指導。
通常情況日本酒會以「3段仕込」方式作製醪(發酵),分4天以3次方式將原材料混合。但「醸す森-kamosu mori-」使用了「1段仕込・添仕込」方式,令酒精度數控制在13至14度,仍包留部分殘糖,成品帶有清爽、濃郁的口感,同時保留了醇厚的吟釀香氣和米的甜味。
醸す森 -kamosu mori- 純米吟醸 生貯蔵酒 口感清新,帶有洋梨和荔枝的甜味和酸味,非常適合作為餐前酒。
Rice Polishing Ratio: 50%
ABV: 14%
Vol: 720ml