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Hakurakusei Tokubetsu Junmai Sake 伯樂星 特別純米 1800ml


The concept is “the ultimate food sake.” The aroma is reminiscent of melon and banana, and the finish is crisp with a refreshing citrus-like acidity. The use of flat polished rice gives it an excellent crispness on the back end. The stand-alone balance is most assured with this product.

It is also tolerant of temperature changes, and when heated can be enjoyed at temperatures above 70 degrees Celsius without any change in flavor.
This is a dual-use bottle for both cold and heated sake.

「伯樂星 特別純米」是新澤釀造店為了配餐而致力釀製的食中酒,帶蜜瓜及香蕉的甘香,微辛口帶柑橘系般清爽的酸度,與甘口酒相比更能突出菜餚的味道層次。冷飲及熱燗均可,是配餐的絕佳選擇。

「伯樂星 」香氣平和、口感清爽的風格,在新的柴田郡川崎町酒藏得以延續。「伯樂星 純米大吟釀 東條秋津山田錦」更使用了兵庫縣特A區東條秋津產的山田錦,精米度29%,為了避免搶奪食材的鋒頭,刻意抑壓了香氣,清新的甘甜味道在口中優雅地收斂,質感細緻,是「伯樂星」銘柄中最佳的佐餐酒。除了令舌頭麻痺的香辣調味料之外,其他的烹調方式和食材都能與這款酒互相調和。

Rice Polishing Ratio: 60%
ABV: 15%