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ALVIN C.K. LAM "Unspoken Stories, Unsung Heroes": The Dai Pai Dong


"The Dai Pai Dong" —a fiery piece capturing the energy, heat, synergy, and spirit of Hong Kong's most authentic (and disappearing) culinary experience.

It's noisy, grimy, and delicious: The dai pai pong is the quintessential Hong Kong culinary experience. Every night since 1956, Oi Man Sang has fired up local favorites brimming with wok hei ("breath of the wok"), surrounded by an orchestra of joyful diners and sizzling claypots. Only 25 of these outdoor food stalls have withstood government efforts to eradicate them, and this mouth-watering spot is one of them.

「鑊氣、喧譁、熱鬧:入夜後的大排檔有著令人無法抵擋的魅力 。自1956年開始,愛文生為深水埗街頭注入熊熊火光 — 地道鑊氣小炒、風味煲仔小菜,觥籌交錯,交織出一遍真摯樸素而無拘無束的歡樂氣氛。作為全港僅餘二十五間大排檔之一,愛文生挺過了政府不斷緊縮的管理政策,以味道承載著歷練將近七十載的香港情懷。」

Postcard: 149 x 108 mm